  • Parution : 2016
  • Revue : Cahiers d’histoire russe, est-européenne, caucasienne et centrasiatique
  • Numéro : 57/1
  • ISBN EHESS : 978-2-7132-2540-6
  • Prix : 17.50€
> Revues
Terres, sols et peuples: expertise et pouvoir dans l’agriculture de l'Empire russe et de l’Union soviétique
Revue Cahiers d’histoire russe, est-européenne, caucasienne et centrasiatique, n° 57/1


Terres, sols et peuples: expertise et pouvoir dans l’agriculture de l’Empire russe et de l’Union soviétique. 

Land, Soil and People: Expertise and Power in Tsarist and Soviet Agriculture

Expertise and the Quest for Rural Modernization in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union

Introduction de Katja Bruisch et Klaus Gestwa

          Regulating land use

Igor HRISTOFOROV - Blurred lines: Land surveying and the creation of landed property in nineteenth-century Russia

David DARROW - Agrarian experts and social justice : Land allotment norms in revolution and civil war, 1917-1920

Katja BRUISCH - The Soviet village revisited: Household farming and the changing image of socialism in the late Soviet period


          Economic and political interests as determinants of expertise

Susan SMITH-PETER - Sweet development: The sugar beet industry, agricultural societies and agrarian transformations in the Russian empire, 1818-1913

Maya PETERSON - Engineering empire: Russian and foreign hydraulic experts in Central Asia, 1887-1917

Olessia KIRTCHIK - Privatiser l’agriculture en URSS : économistes réformistes et pouvoir pendant la perestroïka


          Conflicts et constraints

Stephen BRAIN - In single file: Russian railroads and the Russian army as environmental protection agencies, 1858-1917

Stephan MERL - Why did the attempt under Stalin to increase agricultural productivity prove to be such a fundamental failure? On blocking the implementation of progress in agrarian technology (1929-1941)

Christian TEICHMANN - Wildscapes in Ballyhooland : Shock construction, Soviet colonization, and Stalinist governance



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